Monday, June 23, 2014

Finding God's Way

Central Truth: God's way can be found through prayer and reading the Word.

Memory Verse: "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths." Psalms 25:4

In this week's lesson, the children learned how to find God's way, which is by reading God's word. I explained to them that the Bible works like a road map. When we are lost, we use a map to find our way, but we can not find our way if we do not use the map. The Bible is our map to God's will, but if we never read it, then we will never know what his will is.

We also did a fun demonstration using Alpha-Bits cereal. I poured some out in the middle of the table on a paper towel and spelled the word "box." I told the children that the cereal is fun because, not only can you make words, but you can eat them as well. The children spelled out words of their own and had a fun time, sharing and laughing at their choices. I told the children that the cereal and the Bible have something in common: the cereal is food for our physical bodies, and the Bible is food for our spiritual selves. We must feed our spiritual side by reading the Word of God. If we do not, then our spiritual selves will starve.

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