Sunday, June 29, 2014

Enemies of Prayer

Destinee showing off her artistic talents.
Central Truth: There are many obstacles to prayer, and Satan is constantly at work trying to interfere with prayer life.

Memory Verse: "God within us will always conquer the world outside us." (I John 5:4)

This week wraps up a seven-part bible study on prayer with a discussion of how Satan throws many obstacles in our way to keep us from praying. It is important for us to pray daily and to not let life intrude on our time with God.

After our lesson, we played a game called a Bubble Puzzle, which is a game that encourages the children to learn how to look up bible scriptures. One of the next areas of concentration for the children's church is to have the children begin learning the books of the bible and how to look up scriptures.

"Power of Prayer" Bubble Puzzle

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