"The Crucifixion" from Bible for Kids app |
Central Truth: Jesus came to put mankind in right standing with God.
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Memory Verse: “A merry heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22
Scriptures: John 18:28-19:42; Luke 23:34-35
On this Palm Sunday, the kids and I talked about Passion Week and the Crucifixion. The bible tells us that Pilate did not believe that Jesus deserved to die, but the leaders of the Temple encouraged the mob to demand that Pilate crucify Jesus. When Jesus was crucified, he gave his life so that we can have eternal life in Heaven.
Easter Garden
As part of our lesson today, we also created an Easter Garden using the instructions found on
The Fugal Homemaker blog.
We used a flat container, a small container, pebbles, grass seeds, and a white crystal to create our Easter Garden.
I filled the bottom of the flat container with soil and then placed the small pot on top. I then covered the small pot with the remaining soil, burying it. The kids and I then laid out the pebbles to make a path to the empty tomb. Then, we placed the stone in front of the tomb. The last thing we did was spread grass seeds all over the soil and then added another layer of soil to bury the seeds.
Hopefully, on Easter Sunday, grass sprigs will cover our garden.
Kids' Bulletin