Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Uzzah and the Ark

David bearing the Ark of Testimony to Jerusalem painted by Domenico Gargiulo (from wiki commons)

Central Truth: You must obey God's commandments.

Scriptures: 2 Samuel 6:1-15, 17-19

David’s first military victory after becoming king secured the city of Jerusalem, which became the capital of Israel and the religious center of the country. He gathered 30,000 men to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. They set it on a new cart and along the way, the Ark slipped in the cart and Uzzah touched the Ark to steady it but was killed instantly. Afraid to go further, David left the Ark at the home of Obed-Edom. While the Ark remained with Obed-Edom, his entire home was blessed. When David heard how God had blessed Obed-Edom, he again attempted to bring it into Jerusalem. This time, he followed the law and had the Levites transport the Ark using staves. David also offered sacrifices along the journey and once they entered Jerusalem, he offered burnt and peace offerings for the people.

Bible Scrapbook

Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned during Sunday School.  This week we added a beautiful coloring page with a scripture from 1 Corinthians 13 to our scrapbooks:

Monday, May 22, 2017

David becomes King

Central Truth: Because David was faithful to God, he became king over Israel.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 31; 2 Samuel 5:1-5

The Philistines again attacked the Israelites. They gathered their armies at Mount Gilboa. During the battle, Saul was mortally wounded and his three sons were killed. The Israelite army fled. Saul took his own life and the Philistines took him and his sons’ bodies and displayed them for the people to see. The brave men of Jabesh Gilead stole their bodies at night and brought them back to Israel.

After Saul’s death, God told David to go to Hebron. While there, the tribe of Judah anointed David as their king, and he ruled over Judah for seven years from Hebron. During this time there was a civil war between David and the remaining descendants of Saul. When the house of Saul was finally vanquished, the elders of Israel anointed David king over all Israel. David went to rule for another thirty-three years.

Bible Scrapbook
Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned during Sunday School.  This time we looked at Psalms 51:10, which was written by David after he sinned with Bathsheba. The download and instruction for tracing can be found at this Deeper Still.

Monday, May 8, 2017

David finds Saul in a Cave

Central Truth: Through our God, we have the victory!

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 24

After David and Jonathan made their covenant of friendship, David became a fugitive and an outlaw for the remainder of Saul’s life. David moved around from place to place, eluding Saul’s men while gaining a following of his own. When David heard that the city of Keilah was under attack by the Philistines, he took his army and defeated the Philistines. Saul heard that David was at Keilah and sent his men to besiege the city, but God had warned David who escaped Saul’s clutches. 

David was again betrayed to Saul, but the country was under attack by the Philistines so Saul returned to face them. David went to Engedi at the edge of the wilderness on the western shore of the Dead Sea. This oasis was watered by a hot spring 

Bible Scrapbook
Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned during Sunday School. This time we looked at the Battle Psalms of David (specifically, Psalms 20 and 21). Battle Psalms were sung before, during, or after a battle. Using a free bible journaling page and devotional (Bending the Bow), we added creative worship in our bibles:

A page from My Creative Bible that includes my personal notes on Battle Psalms.
In my bible journal, I also included some notes about Battle Psalms. In case you cannot make out my notes in the picture:

We battle the enemy through:
  • Worship (2 Chronicles 20:21)
  • Word (Matthew 4:1-11)
  • Prayer (James 5:13)
God will strengthen and arm us for battle (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Our Warrior King will never leave our side.

The other side of the insert I added in My Creative Bible.
Bella loved the pretty colors and the arrows.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Resurrection Sunday

Central Truth: Jesus sacrificed himself to save the world.

Scriptures: Matthew 28

After Jesus was crucified by the Romans, he was placed in a borrowed tomb for three days. At the end of the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene led a group of women to the tomb. There was a great earthquake and an angel descended from heaven and rolled back the stone. He told the women not to be afraid and that Jesus had risen just like he said he would. The angel told the women to return to the other disciples and tell them that Jesus will appear to them in Galilee.

Bible Scrapbook
Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned during Sunday School. This is a special week where we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus, which included candy and some fun crafts.

Bible journaling supplies from Illustrated Faith.
Destinee's bible.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

David and Jonathan

Saul tries to kill David (freebibleimages.org)
Central Truth: The friendship between David and Jonathan is the kind of friendship that God wants with us.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 18:1-9; 20

David first met Jonathan after his victory over Goliath. Their friendship was to last as long as they both lived. When Saul and David returned from the battle with the Philistines, the women came out of the cities singing and dancing. They sang to one another “Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” The song made Saul jealous and an evil spirit came upon him. David played for him as usual but his singing did not soothe Saul. Instead, he threw a javelin at David’s head. Thus begins Saul’s obsession to kill David. As soon as Jonathan discovered that Saul would harm his friend, he warned David who escaped from Saul’s grasp.

Bible Scrapbook
Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned during Sunday School. We elaborated on David and Jonathan's friendship by listing the qualities of a good friend:

Drawing inspired by Pinterest, using drawing instructions found on Dragonart website.