Sunday, March 12, 2017

Israel Wants a King

Samuel anoints Saul king of Isreal (

Central Truth: Although the people rejected God, he gave them what they asked for.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 8-10

When Samuel was older, the people of Israel asked for a king. He warned them of the evils and the responsibilities of a monarchy, but the Israelites refused to listen to him. God assured Samuel that the people had not rejected Samuel as their leader, but they were rejecting God as their king.

One day Saul, a man from Benjamin, was searching for his father's donkeys. He went to Ramah where Samuel lived to ask him about the missing animals. Samuel asked Saul to stay with him, and the next day Samuel anointed Saul to be king of Israel privately. Later, Samuel gathered the people at Mizpah and told them that the Lord has granted their request for a king. The king was selected from among the tribe of Benjamin by lot and Saul was selected as king.

Bible Scrapbook
Each week the children will be adding to their scrapbooks what they have learned. This week we added a glittery crown along with a scripture found in Psalms 99:5-6 to our scrapbooks:

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