Monday, July 25, 2016

Miriam Becomes Leprous

Central Truth: Be careful with your words because once spoken, they can never be taken back.

Scriptures: Numbers 12

Aaron and Miriam rebelled against Moses, accusing him of too much authority. They further spoke against Moses marrying an Ethiopian woman, which was just an excuse because the real motive was that they were jealous of Moses and his authority and relationship with God. Aaron and Miriam each held authoritative positions, but they wanted to exalt themselves above Moses. When God had heard Miriam and Aaron gossiping and murmuring against Moses, he called the three of them to the Tabernacle. God told Aaron and Miriam that he speaks to his prophets in dreams and visions but this is not so with Moses because they have a special relationship: God speaks to Moses “mouth to mouth” (Numbers 12:8). When God departed, Miriam was struck with leprosy. Aaron humbled himself and asked Moses to help Miriam. Moses prayed to God who tells him to shut Miriam out of the camp for seven days and then she will be healed. While Miriam was exiled from the camp, the Israelites did not journey until she was well again.

As Miriam and Aaron learned, words can either do good or they can do harm. Once words are spoken, there is no way to take them back. In a way, words are like a tube of toothpaste. When used correctly, toothpaste cleans our teeth and mouth. When used incorrectly, there is a mess and the toothpaste cannot be returned to its tube.  

Words are like toothpaste.

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