Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spies Sent Into Canaan

Central Truth: We will believe the report of the Lord!

"For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth." Psalms 33:4

Scriptures: Numbers 13:1

God commanded Moses to send 12 spies into Canaan (one man from each of the tribes of Israel) to report back what the strength of the Canaanites as well as how fruitful the land is. Of the twelve spies who returned, only two, Caleb and Joshua, recommended that they try to take the land from the Canaanites. God told Moses to take back the land of Canaan because it was the land God promised to Abraham and to his seed.

In this lesson the children learned to not depend upon the evil report of the world but to lesson to the report of the Lord. Moses obeyed God and reclaimed the inheritance and promises of God.

Map from Wiki-commons.

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